Description: This episode offers a variety of ideas to help you reflect on 2024, plan for 2025, and start the new year with intention and joy.
Resources: Tips for writing your 25 for '25 list by Gretchen Rubin
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Transcription: Hi, and welcome to Self-Care for Educators. I am your host, Tina Boogren. This is episode 17 of our fifth season, and this week's invitation is kind of a hodgepodge of a few different ideas that I want to give you kind of a menu of choices. So this is all in relation to kind of kicking off the new year.
So I had us kind of ease into things last week as we were thinking about, well I wanted you to find the delight as we got started into moving into the new year. And I kind of threw out some ideas of different Things that I was playing around with as a way to kick off the new year. I really kind of love the tradition of um, a clean slate and planning ahead and thinking about what I want the year to look like and doing that kind of vision boarding and all that kind of, it can be a little bit cheesy, but I'm so into that. I own it. Um, how I plan ahead and thinking about what I want the year to look like. And for some people, like, that really appeals to them. For some people it doesn't. And I threw out a few ideas, but I didn't really give a lot of context. And so I wanted to kind of go back in and instead of giving you one, specific imitation, what I thought I'd do this week is throw out a few different ideas and take what works for you and leave what doesn't. And maybe none of them work for you and that is okay too. But here's a few ideas of different ways that people kind of approach moving into the new year and maybe you've already done these already or you've done your own thing which is wonderful.
So I know that a whole bunch of people like to choose a guiding word. or phrase, or maybe even a central question as they move into the new year. You can find lots of lists online if you do kind of a quick Google search. Um, I kind of even played around with chatGPT of engaging in this conversation around kind of how I wanted to feel and it gave me some suggestions of some words to contemplate, which was kind of cool. So that's one thing if you haven't done it already that you might think about. Um, Choose a word or a phrase or a guiding question that will help take you into 2025. Â
Another thing people like to do is to create a list. Um, this comes straight from Gretchen Rubin. I mention it year after year after year, and I love it because people are so creative with this. And so this is the idea of creating a 25 for 2025 list. And you can make this list be whatever you want. Don't make it something that you dread, but make it something really fun. So 25 things that you are looking forward to in 2025, or 25 places you want to go, or restaurants that you want to try out, or foods you want to make, or recipes you want to, um, try, or friends that you want to meet up with. Maybe you take the 25 and you divide it into categories and have 5 things in each category. Maybe you create a list- you have some things at home and you have some things at work and you have whatever. So make a 25 for 2025 list.Â
Um, another thing that you can do is create a vision board. Um, I know some people think it's cheesy and I always say that, cause I don't know, there's something for me it’s like, ooh, it feels so cheesy. And yet I love to do it. So this is one of the strategies that I talk about in the 180 days of physical wellness book. Um, And I just did this for myself. I felt really called to do this and I did mine, um, electronically and it was kind of fun. I just actually used, um, I could not figure out how to do it on Canva. So I just did it via PowerPoint. That was so simple for me, but I found some images online and I actually played around. Again, I use chat GPT to help me create images. Um, I had some ideas in my head. And so I kind of told it what I wanted and really got specific. And that was fun to do. So I created a vision board, a digital vision board for 2025.
You can do it old school with magazines and glue. That can be really fun. I think that's really fun to do, like with a group of your friends, just kind of sitting around, I picture, I did this last year. Last year, yeah, with a, with a friend that I went to visit, um, we went and got magazines and we had them all laid out on the floor and we both created these vision boards for ourselves and it was so fun. We spent the whole evening doing it. We had music playing and snacks and a little wine and it was just a wonderful evening. Um, so maybe you want to create a vision board for yourself digitally or old school, maybe you do one for your kind of your own physical wellness. Maybe you create one personally. Maybe you create one for your professional life or at school. Um, lots of ways to think about doing that.Â
Maybe you are a very traditional New Year's resolution person and you really want to kind of sit down and create what is, what is your resolution? What are you resolving to do in 2025? Maybe you want to do like some uninterrupted journaling time, where you really sit down and you picture, okay, a year from now, fast forward, and you're looking back and what is it that you want to have accomplished in the next 365 days?
Maybe you sit down with your calendar and you look at each month and you think about kind of what are the big milestones, like what, how do you want to feel in each month? You know, that's a big thing for me is how do we want to feel? So how do you want to feel at the end of the school year? How do you want to feel this summer? How do you want to feel as you start the new school year, as you think about next year? And then knowing that, what are some things that you can put into place so that you feel the way that you want to feel? Is it a milestone year? Is 2025 a milestone year for you in any way? Anniversary? Birthday? Graduation? Um, do you have some things coming up that you really want to plan for?Â
For example, I turn 50 in 2025. Oh my god, I can't believe it. So I'm really thinking about how I want to feel as I move into my 50th year. I turn 50 in July and, um, yeah, that just brings a lot of feelings with it, right? And so we're really thinking ahead to how I want to feel as I move into this birthday. How do I want to feel on the other side of it? What is the second half of my life hold? I've been doing a lot of reflecting there. Â
So those are some thoughts that I have for you. Maybe too, instead of thinking ahead, you want to do more reflecting. Maybe you want to create a ta-da list. as you think about 2024, or maybe the ta-da list comes before you think ahead to 2025. What do you really want to celebrate? What were your big wins in 2024? How did you get those wins so that you can help to recreate some of those wins as you think ahead to 2025? So maybe you pull up your photos on your phone and what brought you the most joy? Where do you see yourself the happiest? Where are your smiles the biggest? So that you can pull some of those same feelings and memories into the new year. So maybe you spend some time reflecting before you start thinking ahead.Â
So there you go. Those are kind of just some ideas to get you started. As we think about easing into this new year, you're not behind. It's not too late. If you haven't started thinking about the how you want to feel in 2025, do it now. Do it in baby steps. There's, you're, like I said, it's not too late, um, you're not behind in any way. Start now. See what feels good. Try it on. Give yourself a little bit of that uninterrupted time. See what feels good. See what sticks. See if, just listening to this, if any of these ideas, you're like, hmm, that sounds kind of good. And you play around with it. Maybe you invite a friend to sit down and do it with you.
I'm cheering so hard for you. Make it an amazing week, you guys. As always, thank you so much, Adrienne. Thank you, Solution Tree and Marzano Resources. And to you, my badass self-care squad, I'm cheering so hard for you. I'm so proud of all that you did in 2024, and I've got my hand on your back as we move through 2025. You're amazing. Â